Research Projects Database

The management of research projects is done using an on-line application that can be accessed at: It presently holds over 1,000 records on a variety of research projects associated with one or more of the four B.C. research forests and are related to riparian management, silviculture, wildlife, hydrology, ecology and other applied science fields.

The database has two parts:

  • a publicly available search engine tied to the database that allows for open access to limited metadata on each of the projects. The search engine can be used by the general public to find information on current and past activities in the research forest or by students and researchers as a literature review tool.
  • an online management tool intended for the researchers that have on-going projects in the research forests or want to apply for a new project. The management component of the research projects database provides access to more detailed information and can be accessed through a user name and password obtained from each of the research forests (more detailed instructions on how to do this are provided in the available online help).

To obtain a log in user name and password, or for more information on this application, please visit the research project database website at or contact Ionut Aron, Research Coordinator at Malcolm Knapp Research Forest at 604-463-8148 ext. 113 or